Performance studies related to "traffic"
Carpe improved Largest Contentful Paint by 52% and Cumulative Layout Shift by 41% and saw a 10% increase in traffic, a 5% increase in online store conversion rate, and a 15% increase in revenue. Permalink Share on Twitter
Rakuten 24 ran an A/B test showing improved vitals brought a 53.4% incrase in revenue per visitor, 33.1% increase in conversion rate, 15.2% increase in average order value, 35.1% reduction in exit rate and more! Permalink Share on Twitter
Ingram Micro focused on reducing Total Blocking Time and saw a 35% increase in organic traffic by improving their homepage TBT by 40%. Permalink Share on Twitter
Carousell reduced page load time by 65% and saw a 63% increase in organic traffic, a 3x increase in advertising click-thru rate and a 46% increase in first-time chatters. Permalink Share on Twitter
Tokopedia reduced render time from 14s to 2s for 3G connections and saw a 19% increase in visitors, 35% increase in total sessions, 7% increase in new users, 17% increase in active users and 16% increase in sessions per user. Permalink Share on Twitter
GQ cut load time by 80% and saw an 80% increase in traffic. Median time spent on the site also increased by 32%. Permalink Share on Twitter
When YouTube introduced a version of their pages that was 90% lighter, they saw a large increase in traffic in areas with poor connectivity such as Southeast Asia, South America, Africa and Siberia. Permalink Share on Twitter
Yahoo increased traffic by 9% for each 400ms of improvement in load time. Permalink Share on Twitter