Performance studies related to "search"
Ingram Micro focused on reducing Total Blocking Time and saw a 35% increase in organic traffic by improving their homepage TBT by 40%. Permalink Share on Twitter
Bing observed that an engineer that improves server performance by 10ms (that’s 1/30 of the speed that our eyes blink) more than pays for his fully-loaded annual costs. Every millisecond counts Permalink Share on Twitter
When Google Search started using speed as a (very small) ranking signal, they saw a 15%-20% improvement in user-centric perf metrics of pages loaded from search results and a 20% reduction in abandonment. Permalink Share on Twitter
Web studio Sparkbox more than doubled Driver Solutions’ conversion rate for organic traffic, moving it from 2.69% to 5.57% after deploying performance updates and AMP pages. Permalink Share on Twitter
Google reported that users who experienced a 400ms delay performed 0.44% fewer searches during the first three weeks and 0.76% fewer searches during the second three weeks. Permalink Share on Twitter
Google finds a 500ms increase in page load results in 25% less searches. Permalink Share on Twitter
One second delay in Bing results in a 2.8% drop in revenue. Two second delay results in 4.3% drop. Permalink Share on Twitter