Carpe improved Largest Contentful Paint by 52% and Cumulative Layout Shift by 41% and saw a 10% increase in traffic, a 5% increase in online store conversion rate, and a 15% increase in revenue. Permalink Share on Twitter
Sunday Citizen improved their key performance metrics and were able to achieve 25% improvement in Largest Contentful Paint and 61% in Cumulative Layout Shift at the 75th percentile. This resulted in 4% decrease in bounce rate and over 6% increase in conversion. Permalink Share on Twitter
Rakuten 24 ran an A/B test showing improved vitals brought a 53.4% incrase in revenue per visitor, 33.1% increase in conversion rate, 15.2% increase in average order value, 35.1% reduction in exit rate and more! Permalink Share on Twitter
Groupe Renault found a strong correlation between Largest Contentful Paint and both their bounce rate and conversion rate, with a 1 second improvement leading to up to a 14 percentage point decrease in bounce rate, and 13% increase in conversions. Permalink Share on Twitter
SpeedSense worked with an e-commerce company to improve performance and saw a 7.6% increase in sitewide conversion, translating to roughly a $6 million lift in annual revenue. Mobile transactions increased by nearly 30% and sales per session increased by 16%. Permalink Share on Twitter
Ingram Micro focused on reducing Total Blocking Time and saw a 35% increase in organic traffic by improving their homepage TBT by 40%. Permalink Share on Twitter
Swappie reduced load time by 23%, LCP by 55%, CLS by 91% and FID by 90% and saw a 42% increase in mobile revenue and a 10 percentage point increase in relative mobile conversion rate. Permalink Share on Twitter
NDTV, one of India's leading news stations and websites, improved LCP by 55% and saw a 50% reduction in bounce rate. Permalink Share on Twitter
iCook improved CLS by 15% and saw a 10% increase in ad revenue as a result. Permalink Share on Twitter
Tokopedia improved LCP by 55% and saw a 23% increase in average session duration. Permalink Share on Twitter