Performance studies related to "core web vitals"
The Economic Times improved CLS from 0.25 to 0.9 and reduced values in the "Poor" range by 65%, and also improved LCP from 4.5 seconds to 2.5 seconds and reduced values in the "Poor" range by 33%. This reduced bounce rates by 43%. Permalink Share on Twitter
QuintoAndar reduced LCP by 26% and FID by 72% and saw a 46% reduction in bounce rate, and 87% increase in pages per session, and a 5% improvement in conversion. Permalink Share on Twitter
Adobe improved from 7.2 seconds to 3.4 seconds and engaged visit rate increased by 35%, bounce rates decreased by 6%, and the average time spent on page increased by 21% for mobile visitors. Permalink Share on Twitter
Carpe improved Largest Contentful Paint by 52% and Cumulative Layout Shift by 41% and saw a 10% increase in traffic, a 5% increase in online store conversion rate, and a 15% increase in revenue. Permalink Share on Twitter
Sunday Citizen improved their key performance metrics and were able to achieve 25% improvement in Largest Contentful Paint and 61% in Cumulative Layout Shift at the 75th percentile. This resulted in 4% decrease in bounce rate and over 6% increase in conversion. Permalink Share on Twitter
Rakuten 24 ran an A/B test showing improved vitals brought a 53.4% incrase in revenue per visitor, 33.1% increase in conversion rate, 15.2% increase in average order value, 35.1% reduction in exit rate and more! Permalink Share on Twitter
Groupe Renault found a strong correlation between Largest Contentful Paint and both their bounce rate and conversion rate, with a 1 second improvement leading to up to a 14 percentage point decrease in bounce rate, and 13% increase in conversions. Permalink Share on Twitter
Ingram Micro focused on reducing Total Blocking Time and saw a 35% increase in organic traffic by improving their homepage TBT by 40%. Permalink Share on Twitter
NDTV, one of India's leading news stations and websites, improved LCP by 55% and saw a 50% reduction in bounce rate. Permalink Share on Twitter
iCook improved CLS by 15% and saw a 10% increase in ad revenue as a result. Permalink Share on Twitter
Tokopedia improved LCP by 55% and saw a 23% increase in average session duration. Permalink Share on Twitter
Vodafone improved their LCP by 31%, resulting in an 8% increase in sales, a 15% increase in their lead to visit rate, and an 11% increase in their cart to visit rate. Permalink Share on Twitter
Yahoo! Japan News reduced CLS by .2, decreasing the number of URLS with poor performance in search console by 98%. As a result, they saw a 15.1% increase in page views per session, 13.3% longer session durations and a 1.72 percentage point decrease in bounce rate. Permalink Share on Twitter
After making improvements to multiple performance metrics (including LCP, CLS and Long Task time), Agrofy saw a 76% reduction in their abandonment rate and a significant boost in engagement. Permalink Share on Twitter
A Google study over millions of page impressions found that when a site meets the recommended thresholds for the Core Web Vitals metrics, users are at least 24% less likely to abandon a page before it finishes loading. Permalink Share on Twitter